Teams all over the world have joined StudentsFirst to show their support for student education.
Here are just a few:
Athens, Alabama
Smithtown, New York
Wyoming, Michigan
Falls Church, Virginia
Olathe, Kansas
Lakewood, Ohio
Holly Springs, North Carolina
Linden, Michigan
Port Huron, Michigan
Duluth, Minnesota
Belmont, Michigan
Pittsburg, California
Auburn, Michigan
Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania
London, Ontario
Napa, California
Charleston, Missouri
Chinese Taipei
Somerville, Tennessee
Quincy, Massachusetts
Wallingford, Pennsylvania
Rochester, New York
Seattle, Washington
Las Vegas, Nevada
Coahulia, Mexico
Fayetteville, TN
Lawson, Missouri
New Orleans, Louisiana
Lee's Summit, MO
Istanbul, Turkey
Québec, Canada
Glarus, Switzerland
North Dakota
North Carolina
Shawnee, Oklahoma
Become a StudentsFIRST Team: Does your team put students first? If so, become a StudentsFIRST team! Just email us at, tell us your team name, and we will email you a sign to put up at your pits and our logo to put on your website.