Show that you think student education should be the focus of robotics teams by wearing StudentsFIRST swag. It’s all free, including the shipping! If you’d like buttons for yourself, your team, or even to share at events, simply email us your name, team number, address, and the quantity of buttons you would like. Contact@StudentsFIRST.tec
After you have your swag, email us photos of you and your team and we will mail you a t-shirt for each person photographed wearing StudentsFIRST buttons and stickers! Just email us the pictures and the quantity and sizes of t-shirts you want. Please know that your photos may be used on our website, newsletters, or other materials.
So far, StudentsFIRST has fulfilled requests for:
17,130 buttons
16,295 stickers
9,121 informational cards
508 signs that say “This team puts StudentsFIRST” for teams to post at their pits
66 t-shirts