Students First

March Survey – How can we help you?

In this month’s survey we’re asking, How can StudentsFIRST help you? The survey has many options plus a write in section. Here are some of the options:

  • Provide an editable template for an Adults Code of Conduct
  • Advocate for your interests with FIRST state, regional and national organizations
  • Be a third party to tell your coaches and mentors about something that is wrong, but you’re afraid to speak up for fear of retaliation

The second question on the survey asks what we should name a robotics league for adults. Clearly, there are many enthusiastic adults looking for outlets for their technical skills and competitive spirit. Here at StudentsFIRST we are kicking around the idea of starting a league for adults. If we do, what do you think it should be called? 
We want to hear from you! Make sure your voice is heard by filling out the March survey today! It’s only 2 questions!